Ed Martel Scholarship

Can't attend the golf outing but want to make a donation?

Ed Martel, who graduated from De La Salle in 1987, died Sept. 29, 2018 following an 18-year battle with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He was 49. The 2019 Christian Brothers Classic golf outing was held in his honor. To make a tribute in Ed Martel's memory, donate to the Ed Martel Memorial Scholarship and help a student attend De La Salle Collegiate.


Your donation allows us to follow the mission of the Brothers of the Christian Schools to provide a “human and Christian education to the young – especially the poor.” De La Salle Collegiate has been providing a Lasallian Catholic education to young men since 1926.

With your gift, you demonstrate your confidence in the ability of De La Salle to continue to be Builders of Boys. Makers of Men. We thank you in advance for your support.

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